Stuttar upplýsingar
Vinnsla Tegund: froðu vél, froðu vél
Ástand: Nýtt
Product Type: high pressure foaming machine, Polyurethane equipment
Upprunaland: Kína (meginland)
Vörumerki: EMM
Spenna: 220V
Power(W): about 38kw
Weight: about 3000kg
Vottun: ISO9001-2000, ISO9001-2000
Ábyrgð: eitt ár
Eftir sölu þjónustu veitt: Verkfræðingar í boði til að þjóna vélum erlendis
litur: krem
pentan hár þrýstingur froða vél
* auðvelt viðhald
* einföld aðgerð
*give you the best price
pentane high pressure foaming machine are widely used in adiabatic layer of Refeigerator/solar/building materials sandwich board Foam fioride-frely,is really suitable in this trade,and satisfied the requirement for environment protection of the refrigerators markets.
1, main parts such as metering pump/mixing head/programmable controller/high pressure components pipe/gas transducer's head and the controlling channel card are all import items.
2, the metering pump and the motor are connected with magnetic shaft coupling, to prolong the pump's life and enhance the safety of the system
3, main protect method
installation isolation room and out wind device
installation gas monitor the warning system
Nitrogen protection
adopt the anti-blast electric apparatus
earthing the apparatus
defend revealing cntrolling
pouring nitrogen before mixing head \
pouring so as to exchange the air
remote monitoring system